Frequently asked questions
This collection of Frequently Asked Questions provides brief answers to many common questions about the website, Testing and Consulting Services as well as how the testing works. If you have any questions that are not answered here, you may visit our ‘Contact Page’ for further inquiry.
What is Happiness in Wisdom?
Happiness in wisdom is a ground breaking new study that disassembles the human mind into its individual components and studies each separately. This reveals that humans’ 17 stagnant and primitive instincts is a drag on humans’ progressing intellect. This wastes a good portion of human intelligence and thus, every human applies only a fraction of the intelligence they have at their disposal. It resembles driving your vehicle with the emergency brake partially applied wasting a good deal of the power produced by the engine in your car. Releasing the brake restores the full power in your car. Exactly the same principle governs the relationship between instincts and intellect. Learning how to disengage these mental elements boosts your intelligence. Also, you avoid many of the unnecessary mistakes, secure more success and live a much happier life.
How is this Personality & Behavior test different from the others and how will it benefit me?
All other tests are based on conventional understanding of the mind that perceives the human mind as a single polar entity consisting of intellect alone. Happiness in Wisdom uniquely observes the human mind as a bipolar entity consisting of the two segments of intellect and 17 instincts, each of which drive its mode of human behavior. Disregarding instincts as powerful primitive mental forces has created a missing link in the study of humanity that is responsible for many of the persisting human mysteries. Hence, other tests cover a fraction of the states of human mind and by default are incomplete. For this reason Happiness in Wisdom alone covers over 52% more states of the human mind than the other three most popular personality and behavior assessment tests cover combined. A more comprehensive explanation of this is provided on the ‘Scientific Principles Page’ of this website.
How is 'human intelligence' defined?
Human intellect divides into the two segments of Utilitarian Intellect and Moral Intellect, each with a distinct mission of its own. The Utilitarian Intellect consists of reasoning, imagination, thinking, creativity, science, technology, inventions, discoveries and so on. These are mental tools at human disposal that they apply to solve problems and achieve objectives. Human objectives are neither exclusively good, nor evil, but they are a combination of both. This portion of human intellect avails itself to achieve both good and evil objective unconditionally and indiscriminately and thus it totally lacks personality and character. However, the Moral Intellect exclusively stands for all the angelic human attributes and manufactures a strong sense of ethics, morality, justice, fairness, kindness, compassion and human decency at large, all of which pertains to human behavior. This being totally the opposite of blindly selfish instincts frequently fall into conflicts with them. It might worth mentioning that this study does not deal with brain, but exclusively with the mind.
What are the 17 different instincts?
The Instinct of Survival
The Instinct of Language
The Instinct of Fear
The Instinct of Greed
The Instinct of Territoriality
The Instinct of Tribalism
The Instinct of Aggression
The Instinct of Chauvinism
The Instinct of Being Social
The Instinct of Politics
The Instinct of Sexuality
The Maternal Instinct
The Instinct of Curiosity
The Instinct of Laziness
The Instinct of Rhythm
The Instinct of Adventure
The Instinct of Divulgence
Is this an IQ test?
No. This test serves a vastly different goal than do IQ tests, although it deals with human intelligence a great deal. This test introduces the mental elements, shows how they interact and jointly issue the commands of what we do, and learn why we do what we do. Then, it measures the strength of the 17 instincts and the potency with which they drive each human’s daily life and enables them to consciously manage the subconscious mental trends, instead of being managed by them. Hence, we become less robotic and become more deliberate in what we do.
Can someone fail this test?
No. This is not that sort of test for one to pass or fail, and there is no right or wrong answers. It merely depicts a picture of your mind that is so unique to you, and the accuracy of the report you would get is determined by the honesty of the answers given. One needs to know that no one ever gets access to the answers given or the report produced. The data is encrypted at their inception and they are converted into text when the person accesses it by entering their username and password.
What is considered a high score?
As there is no passing or failing in taking these tests, there is no high or low score. The values presented in the graph merely reflect the strength of each of the mental elements in your mind and the repot shows its implications that have an effect on your life. Depending on which test you take, you will get a report on four, eight or twelve of your instincts in a dissenting order. This will show you which of your instincts produces your deepest pleasure that also usually causes people their gravest problems.
Does this study also cover human intelligence?
Yes, human intellect divides into the Utilitarian Intellect and Moral Intellect, each with a distinct mission of its own. The Utilitarian Intellect consists of reasoning, imagination, thinking, creativity, science, technology, inventions, discovery and so on. These are mental tools at human disposal that they apply to solve problems and achieve objectives. Human objectives are neither exclusively good, nor evil, but they are a combination of both. This portion of human intellect avails itself to achieve both good and evil objective unconditionally and indiscriminately and thus it totally lacks personality and character. However, the Moral Intellect exclusively stands for all the angelic human attributes and manufactures a strong sense of ethics, morality, justice, fairness, kindness, compassion and human decency at large, all of which pertains to human behavior. This being totally the opposite of blindly selfish instincts frequently fall into conflicts with them
If these are some of the properties of intellect, what are some of the properties of instincts?
All instincts are unchanging, unchangeable, stagnant and primitive. Each instinct strives for a particular brand of pleasure and satisfaction that renders all of them selfish by nature. Humans’ strongest instincts induce their most intense pleasures. Yet instincts emerge and function in the vacuum of intellect and reasoning and are totally alien to reasoning. Being devoid of logic coupled with utter selfishness, render them blind and blinding. This mix impairs humans’ reasoning faculty and people make many large and small mistakes that hugely hinder their success. Thus, the stagnant instincts become a drag on the progressing intellect. Consciously freeing human intellect from the tight grip of the blinding instincts boosts the intelligence all people already have at their disposal.
If the human intellect has properties, what are some of the properties of instincts?
All instincts are unchanging, unchangeable, stagnant and primitive. Each instinct strives for a particular brand of pleasure and satisfaction that renders all of them selfish by nature. Humans’ strongest instincts induce their most intense pleasures. Yet instincts emerge and function in the vacuum of intellect and reasoning and are totally alien to reasoning. Being devoid of logic, coupled with utter selfishness, render them blind and blinding. This mix impairs humans’ reasoning faculty and people make many large and small mistakes that hugely hinder their success. Thus, the stagnant instincts become a drag on the progressing intellect. Consciously freeing human intellect from the tight grip of the blinding instincts boosts the intelligence all people already have at their disposal
How does one boost his or her intelligence?
One instinct, or combinations of the stagnant instincts, constantly pursue their selfish goals and employ human intelligence to find the most practical ways to achieve them. If we compare humans to a car, instincts resemble the engine that drives action, while human intellect is the steering wheel that guides the vehicle through all obstacles toward a destination. The pleasure instincts seek blind human reasoning faculty. Subconsciously this results in making poor decisions and pursuing wrong objectives. Learning about this mental trend enables people to consciously manage it and to disengage these two mental forces, free their intellect from the tight grip of their instincts and boost their intelligence and transform their lives.
How does boosting your intelligence enhance your happiness?
Different people define happiness in different things. However, things such as illness make everyone unhappy and success makes all happy. Through this, you manage your mind instead of being managed by it. When the human intelligence is conditioned to become fully functional, naturally people would avoid many of the avoidable mistakes, score more success and live much richer and happier lives. If a method can be used to boost one person’s intelligence and happiness, it can do the same for the great multitudes and theoretically, you can boost the ambient human intelligence and happiness thorough this system.
What level of education is required to grasp this study?
People with a high school diploma and higher education will understand the concept readily. This study is largely based on keenly observing human conduct and exploring what mental forces drive the different brands of behavior which we all encounter through life experience. Then, the theories formulated are validated because these forces are deeply rooted in the mind of every human, when shown, everyone readily relates to them and some react by saying, “why didn’t I think of that?”
Do instincts and intellect cooperate, or contradict one another?
Instinctive pursuits being selfish often are illegitimate, illegal, immoral and even unwise. The moral intellect, however, stands not for pleasure, but for what is just, fair, ethical and decent and by default falls into conflict with blindly selfish instincts. The Utilitarian Intellect stands ready to serve the victor in all such conflicts. So long as the conflict persists no action takes place, but as soon as the instinct wins the battle, a swift mental transformation occurs. In that, the utilitarian intellect unconditionally and indiscriminately supports the cause of the instinct at work and acts as if this conflict never existed. However, if moral intellect silences the instinct, inaction results. Thus, the nature of this association fluctuates. If instincts win more frequently in such conflicts than intellect, the chances are that the person is more instinctive than he or she is less moral, and vice a versa and determines the character of the person
What are the practical benefits of taking this test and learning this study?
Depending on how involved you want to get with this study, it provides multiple benefits. To start with, your strongest instincts produce your most intense pleasures, but they are also often the cause of your most significant problems. This study enables people to maximize their joy and minimize their potential harm. Also, through learning about the mechanism of the mind, so to speak, one gets an accurate inventory of the mental components and learns what in the mind longs for what, and why people do what they do. This is how you learn to manage these mental forces to boost your intelligence and enhance your happiness. Understanding this also reveals how the mind molds all the major human affairs into shape. Thus, you more accurately understand the psychology of religion, the reason for humans’ love of arts, sports, what renders humans inescapably political and why of all beings, humans alone, are simultaneously polygamous and monogamous that in our species alone causes sexual confusion and much more. You also learn how to manage your mind instead of being managed by it and transform your life.
Can this study make humans’ intimate relationships more joyous or their professional relationships more productive?
By learning what every human mind consists of, you understand yourself and the people around you better, which enables you to initiate a more constructive relationship with them. In your professional life, if you are in sales, a manager at any capacity or a teacher, you will relate to the people you deal with in a more effective way. As a more refined person you will also relate to your superiors better. You will sound a great deal more mature and intelligent, regardless of who or what you are, that will command more respect for you. It will also help you to become a better spouse, a better parent, a better friend and so on, on both personal and professional levels.
Why wasn't such a study conducted earlier and by others?
The best answer probably one can give to this question is that the thinkers, going back to Aristotle being fascinated by human intelligence, traditionally have been studying humans and humanity from the standpoint of intellect and reasoning ability. Thus, they have totally disregarded instincts, and those who have paid any attention to it at all, have done it superficially at best. Thus, the human mind has been perceived as a single polar entity consisting of intelligence alone, whereas demonstrably, it is bipolar and consists of intellect plus 17 different instincts. Dismissing instincts as dominant mental forces has created a missing link that is responsible for this persisting confusion on the major aspects of human affairs. Integrating instincts into the equation of human studies reveals the psychology of religion, politicking, art, sports, human sexuality and how the body and mind interface which is vastly different from what the conventional study of humans has provided so far.
How does this knowledge unveil the mystery of spirituality?
Odd though as it might sound, seeing the mind as a bipolar entity reveals the hidden science in religion. Of course, one cannot prove or disprove God’s existence through this, but the inherent contradictions between instincts and intellect reveal the universal problems it generates for humans that render societies unsuitable for human survival. In that, the 17 utterly selfish instincts urge people to abuse one another to advance their own causes that would turn every society into a constant battleground and unsuitable for humans’ social coexistence. According to Darwin’s theory of evolution when this happens either species evolve, adopt and survive, or they perish. Our survival manifests to the fact that besides the general evolution to which all species are subjected; humans have undergone through another evolution as a result of which a region in the brain has evolved to create a strong sense of fairness, justice and ethics that are so unique to humans. These become the building blocks of human spirituality that finds reflection in all faiths as they all condemn lying, stealing, cheating and killing, and all of them also urge kindness, compassion, humility and taking care of the needy. Hence, when one looks at faiths from the inside all we see is striking similarities, and when we look at them from the outside, we only see irreconcilable differences. In identifying what sort of problems this contradiction engenders that demanded the creation of religions to deal with it reveals the hidden science in religion.
How do you get to understand the anatomy of politics through this study?
This study shows that politics is not just a profession for the few in each society, but it is a brand of behavior unique to humans that starts in early childhood. Hence, “to be instinctive is to be selfish, to be selfish and intelligent, is to be political.” Because both instincts and intellect are permanent human fixtures, politicking that stems from their cofunction also becomes a permanent human trait. Probably this is why Aristotle claimed that man was a “political animal”. This human trait is the bridge between instincts and intellect. In that, the selfishness of all instincts urge people to trick each other into doing things that would benefit them that we commonly call politicking. Through this, each tries to impose his or her will and interest on others against their will and interest. Thus, politicking erodes innocence, which is why people worldwide do not like politics.
How does this study help us overcome the confusion that surrounds art?
Humans have relished arts for over 30,000 years without being able to know what in art so pleases them. The world of philosophy admits that we still lack a definition for art that would be acceptable to all. So, we have been enjoying that, which we never understood. Here are the causes of this persisting confusion: First, when we realize that the mind consists of instincts and intellect, we see that two different instincts long for two different categories of art, and a certain attribute of intellect strives for another category of art. Thus, art divides into three distinct categories of Rhythmic Arts, Imitative Arts and Abstract Arts. Rhythmic art consists of vocal and nonvocal music, dancing, poetry, certain architecture and Persian rugs. The attractive part of these arts is in the rhythm they contain that satisfies the instinct of rhythm and that pleases us. Imitative arts consist of painting, sculpture, writing, acting and films. Here, artists use their skills and talent to imitate that, which already exists. This pleases a certain attribute of human intellect that strives for excellence in imitation. Abstract Arts appeals to the instinct through which human relish color. Thus the structure of the arts within each category and the mental faculty each category of arts relates to become the common denominator for each group of arts. Only then, do people understand why they cherish art. However, because due to improperly understanding art we have been mixing all arts together that have nothing in common such as architecture and novel, poetry and acting, singing and painting and so on that can never be defined by a single definition.
Instincts are more readily excitable than intellect. Thus, concerts performed by average artists evoke such emotions in people that they scream, cry and some even faint that the works of true masters of art such as Michelangelo, De Vince and Monet in museums do not, because these are imitative arts and relate to human intellect that is less excitable. Knowing why we enjoy different brands of art will enable artists to refine their creations and art lovers to deepen their appreciation of art. Most importantly, this will save huge sums of money in the film industry. In that, a portion of this theory not presented here, has been tested on Shakespeare’s stories for validation. Either consciously or subconsciously he has brilliantly applied this in all of his stories to captivate people the world over that can readily be applied by all writers. To be sure, this will not make another Shakespeare, but will make their works much more appealing. Using this theory the writers will know how to provoke different instincts in their audiences to capture them and film producers will be equipped to formulas for the first time to weed out bad stories and to avoid failure.
How does this study relate to sports?
There have never been any written rules to be observed in designing sports. As we know humans have been involved with sports for millennia and each of the sports have been invented in the course of this long history in different times by different people and cultures. Yet three rules are at the core of all sports, aiming, speed, power and, or endurance. The mystery of how this has happened cannot be solved unless if we observe it through the function of instincts. In that, these three skills are required for hunting. From the start, driven by this hunting and warring instinct, the major function of male humans have been hunting and fighting wars. Because instincts do not change or vanish through time, they have survived the test of time and the hunting instinct finds reflection in all sports and brings its required skills into all of them and endows them their common denominator of aiming, speed and power. Thus, these instinctive drives are at the root of all sports and become their common denominator. The existence of this instinct in males that rendered them hunters and warriors make them prone to become sport fanatics at the dismay of the females in their lives. Understanding this will help the sports industry to train athletes better in all brands of sports.
How does this study help people to understand human sexuality and that of their own and their partners?
Unlike animals, humans are also equipped to intellect. Man’s instinct of sexuality commands polygamy, but for practical reason humans have established hard rules to regulate humans’ sexual activities through marriage. Thus, the polygamous instinct of sexuality urge people to desire more than one sexual partner, while the rules crafted through intellect mandate the opposite, monogamy. Hence, to satisfy this instinctive urge, a large number of the people who willingly have committed to pair bonding enter into extra marital relationships. Those who do not behave this way resist the temptations and stay faithful to their spouses. The painful implication of this conduct on the spouses has to be profound as it tears many families apart. Our species being pulled in between the two opposite mental forces of polygamy and monogamy alone becomes sexually confused. The suppression of this instinctive human polygamy has resulted in carving a universal psychology of its own. In that, people in the privacy of their mind and in their imagination practice polygamy with the people they sexually fancy without physically committing extra marital sex that partially satisfies this instinctive urge. This is commonly known as sexual fantasy and bridges the gap between the instinctual drive and what human intellect requires of them. Outside the realm of how instincts and intellect jointly govern human sexuality and drive their behavior it would be utter difficult, if not totally impossible to explain this human phenomenon.
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